Yesterday 1/22/11 I went on a road trip with the Distributed Hacker Maker Space group from Appleton to the MadHackerHaus at the Sector67 Hackerspace in Madison. The day started with DHMN picking me up in Fond du Lac. The ride to Madison was the first real test of the internet shoebox, a collection of USB cellular cards and routers with the hope of providing reliable mobile internet. The first half of the trip the upstream connection seemed to be unreliable, but as we got closer to Madison things improved.
We got to Sector67 and had a fun filled day of learning and socializing with others of the MadHackerHaus. I learned some more about android programming but I was most interested in Sector67 and how it was started. I don't think anything was ground breaking information, but it made me confident that DHMN could do it and that I might be able to do something in Fond du Lac some day.
Stay tuned for a post on the internet shoebox, what I learned and what my plans are for making it better.
You can also check out Bob's post with some other details of the road trip.
Hyperloop & Regional Technology Competitions
9 years ago